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Service Description: Zoning in Rock County is by Town authority. This feature class represents the zoning districts in Rock County as assigned by the towns and dissemenated to the County. It should be used in conjunction with the Zoning feature class, and the ZoningLookUp and the ZoningOverlayLookUp tables.
The following Towns have received certification for Farmland Tax Credits from the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture Trade and Consumer Protection in the listed districts under the Rock County Farmland Preservation Plan: 2013 Update.
Town of Avon (002): A
Town of Beloit (004) A1
Town of Bradford (006): A1, A2
Town of Clinton (010): A1, A1A
Town of Center (008): A1, A2
Town of Fulton (012): AE
Town of Harmony (014): A1, A1A
Town of Janesville (016): A1FP
Town of Johnstown: (018): A1
Town of Lima (022): A1, A2
Town of Magnolia (024): A1
Town of Milton (026): A1
Town of Plymouth (030): A1, A2, A3
Town of Porter (032): AE
Town of Rock (034): AFP
Town of Spring Valley (036) A1
Town of Turtle (038): AE
Town of Union (040): A1, A2
The following Towns have received certification for Farmland Tax Credits from the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture Trade and Consumer Protection in the listed districts under the Rock County Farmland Preservation Plan: 2005 Update and will carry over until certification expires.
All Layers and Tables
Has Versioned Data: false
MaxRecordCount: 2000
Supported Query Formats: JSON
Supports Query Data Elements: true
Description: Zoning in Rock County is by Town authority. This feature class represents the zoning districts in Rock County as assigned by the towns and dissemenated to the County. It should be used in conjunction with the Zoning feature class, and the ZoningLookUp and the ZoningOverlayLookUp tables.The following Towns have received certification for Farmland Tax Credits from the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture Trade and Consumer Protection in the listed districts under the Rock County Farmland Preservation Plan: 2013 Update. Town of Avon (002): ATown of Beloit (004) A1Town of Bradford (006): A1, A2Town of Clinton (010): A1, A1ATown of Center (008): A1, A2Town of Fulton (012): AETown of Harmony (014): A1, A1ATown of Janesville (016): A1FPTown of Johnstown: (018): A1Town of Lima (022): A1, A2Town of Magnolia (024): A1Town of Milton (026): A1Town of Plymouth (030): A1, A2, A3Town of Porter (032): AETown of Rock (034): AFPTown of Spring Valley (036) A1Town of Turtle (038): AETown of Union (040): A1, A2The following Towns have received certification for Farmland Tax Credits from the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture Trade and Consumer Protection in the listed districts under the Rock County Farmland Preservation Plan: 2005 Update and will carry over until certification expires.Town of La Prairie (020): A1
Service Item Id: 399f3f158e2549ef970c9098f4c86e97
Copyright Text: Rock County Planning, Economic, and Community Development Agency
Spatial Reference:
Initial Extent:
XMin: 366983.5561958881
YMin: 200767.2996615384
XMax: 598154.2104927647
YMax: 326652.3094271643
Spatial Reference: 103453
Full Extent:
XMin: 400263.0999110937
YMin: 199658.3510320261
XMax: 559759.1880705096
YMax: 329171.0001426935
Spatial Reference: 103453
Units: esriFeet
Document Info:
Title: Feature Services
Keywords: Rock County,Rock County Wisconsin,2014,Rock County,Wisconsin,Zoning
AntialiasingMode: null
TextAntialiasingMode: null
Enable Z Defaults: false
Supports ApplyEdits With Global Ids: true
Support True Curves : true
Only Allow TrueCurve Updates By TrueCurveClients : true
Supports Return Service Edits Option : true
Supports Dynamic Layers: false
Child Resources:
Query Data Elements
Supported Operations:
Query Contingent Values
Extract Changes